Saturday, January 23, 2010

No August Luck

Oh, fuck August Luck. I can't stand this lame nickname anymore. And I can't believe I'd actually used this name for a year and a half. Maybe it's because I don't write diaries anymore, so no need to sign my entry every day.

And for your information, from now on this blog will have no blog picture and welcome message to greet you. They're annoying, I think. No pictures, no music, no calendar, no props, no nothing. You want music, just turn on your Winamp or Windows Media Player. You need to know the date and time, just freaking refer to your computer time. There will be words filling most of the blog. I'm trying to keep it as simple and plain as possible.

Why am I doing this, you ask? No idea. No reason. I just feel like doing it, that's all. Yeah, my blog will be much simpler and much more boring. Like I want to shoo all the readers away. Haha.

I'll only update my blog once every week or fortnight, so don't always check out my blog. Funny, where got bloggers tell people not to stay tuned to their blogs one? Hahahah. Because I have a busy life. Busy playing and sleeping, most of the time.

Oh well, I guess that's all. Bye.