Monday, April 19, 2010

Know more about Carson

~Show off
~Last minute
~Changes his mind easily
~Lame but trying not to be lame
~Gets angry/moody easily

What he likes
~Card tricks
~River flows in you (both listening and playing)
~Life is like a boat (listening)
~Natural green

What he had liked but hates now
~Online games
~Fun fair
~Some damned friends he had made
~Himself (for being so thin)
~Streamyx (lag like hell)
~SMSing (wastes money)

What he hates
~School teachers
~His damn computer mouse

What he had hated but likes now
~Food (sort of)

What he would like to do when he turns 18
~Fucking (literally)

What he always does
~Shuffling cards absently
~Pacing around
~Talks to himself

What he seldom does
~Practises the piano
~Studying his ass off

What he is happy with
~His family
~His IQ (118)
~His handphone (Nokia XpressMusic 5130)

What he wants to concentrate in
~The English language
~Card tricks

~A video recorder
~Decks of playing cards
~A laptop